
Lost + Hemisphere

Under the title Lost and Hemisphere the Dresden-based
Media artist Ulf Langheinrich presents two works that are impressive in different ways and that were designed specifically for media domes.

Ulf Langheinrich "Lost + Hemisphere"

Originally for a geodesic dome
with a diameter of eight meters, the works unfold a new impact in the gigantic
Dimensions of the Bochum Planetarium .

The work Hemisphere, developed for the Romaeuropa Festival in 2006, uses the form
the hemisphere for video projections to create immersive, spatial image impressions.
The light performance Lost (2017), created eleven years later
works without video projections, but relies entirely on mesmerizing
effect of stroboscopic lights. The images dissolves.
The dome, which still serves as a projection surface in “Hemisphere”, disappears in
“Lost” completely and enables a journey into the interior of your own perception.
In this way, the touch of light becomes an intimate sensual experience.

Concept, image, sound, compositing: Ulf Langheinrich
Compositing: Wolfgang Schwarzenbrunner
Display software: Matthias Härtig
Conception of the dome: Dietmar Lupfer
Inspired by Jeffrey Shaw’s Cupola
Co-Production: Epidemic Paris and Muffatwerk Munich
with support from the Federal Cultural Foundation